The Mundane

K – Cups – what to do with them?

I’ve read several k-cups debates. Some folks believe they are the last straw in our battle against landfills, others believe it’s one little bit of plastic in an already huge problem – so what’s the diff?

Rather than picking a side – here are some solutions, find one that works for you, or add another one to the list.

Dismantle and recycle – “You can separate the components of the pod, some of which you can recycle and some of which are waste.

Grow Seedlings! – “Just add soil, seeds and a bit of water in an old K-Cup – that’s it. You can even add a tiny bit of the coffee grounds to the soil to add more nutrients to the seed starter.” (K, trying not to pick favorites, but, this is a fun one!)

Reusable Filters –  here are 3: Keurig, Eko-Brew and Fill ‘n Save – make sure to check if these will fit your machine. (more K-Cup alternatives here.)

Happy caffeinating 🙂


Why K Cups are an issue

Is there a serious problem with coffee capsules? – BBC News

How Bad Are K-Cups for the Environment? – The Atlantic

No, your coffee pods aren’t killing the planet – Chicago Tribune

Keurig aims to have eco-friendly K-cups by 2020